Sunday March 30, 2014


Rejoicing In The Cross Of Christ


 III. A Call to Freedom from the Law and Freedom in the Spirit (4:12 – 6:10)

 IV. Final Summary (6:11 – 18)

                  A. The Importance of the Conclusion (11)

                  B. The Opponents’ Desire to Avoid Persecution (12)

                  C. The Opponents’ Desire for Adulation (13)

                  D. Boasting Only in the Cross (14)

                  E. Centrality of the New Creation (15)

                  F. Peace and Mercy for the Israel of God (16)

                  G. Paul’s Sufferings for the Cross (17)

                  H. Prayer Wish: Grace (18)                 

Adapted from: Thomas Schreiner, Exegetical Commentary On The New Testament: Galatians; Zondervan Publishers, 2010.



Galatians 6:11 – 6:18 – Theme: “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (6:14).


Main Idea


   “Many of the major themes of the letter are summarized in the conclusion.  Paul teaches that the cross of Christ is the decisive turning point in history so that the new creation is inaugurated.  Hence, those who are still advocating circumcision have denied the cross and belong to the present age (1:4).”


A. The Importance of the Conclusion (11)


B. The Opponents’ Desire to Avoid Persecution (12)


C. The Opponents’ Desire for Adulation (13)


   “Showing off is one of the differences between true and false religion.  False religion gets caught up in externals, like attendance figures and worship rituals.  Outward religion is what cult leaders strive for when they pressure members to recruit new ‘converts.’  It is what churches are after when they seek to entertain rather than to edify, or when they base salvation on what people do for God rather than on what God has done for them” (Philip Graham Ryken, Galatians; Reformed Expository Commentary – P & R Publishers, 2005).


D. Boasting Only in the Cross (14)


                  Scriptures: Galatians 1:4; 2:20; 5:24; 1 Corinthians 1:18 – 2:5; Philippians 3:1 – 11.


                  In order for the Gospel to be the Gospel, the cross must stand alone apart from works righteousness.

E. Centrality of the New Creation (15)


F. Peace and Mercy for the Israel of God (16)


G. Paul’s Sufferings for the Cross (17)


H. Prayer Wish: Grace (18)